Bulldogs Racing has been on winter break for around a month after all of the hard work we’ve put into our project. After the arrival of the chassis, we had started the manufacturing of the components and supports we need to make, so the race car is beginning to take form. And as winter break comes to a close, we can’t wait to get back into the garage!
Bulldogs Racing caught up on some much needed rest and relaxation this winter break, but that doesn’t mean we stopped working on BR16. Production continues on the battery box and with our chassis here, our engineers are shifting gears from design to manufacturing as they begin creating the computer-aided manufacturing code for some additional parts.
Despite being on break, even our business team put in some work to support our project. They continued to reach out to companies, including an application submission to Tesla Motors. Like always, a big thank you goes out to our sponsors, and a special thanks goes to FUTEK for sending us two incredible pressure sensors! Without the support of our sponsors, especially sponsors like FUTEK, Bulldogs Racing would have a much tougher time building BR16.